Home and property owners strive to protect their landscaping during the winter season, year after year; especially young trees or trees that have just been planted. This is because trees and landscaping play an important role in our surrounding landscape and environment. Winter brings with it, harsh winds, freezing temperatures, excessive snow, and more. Although natural, these elements and conditions are hazardous threats to residential and commercial landscapes. We ask ourselves, season after season, how we can better protect our landscaping trees from harsh weather and snow; but continue to struggle. Until now! Continue reading to learn some helpful tips and tricks to care for young or newly-planted trees during the winter season.
Protecting Vulnerable Trees from Cold Weather Conditions
Newly planted trees, young trees, transplanted trees, and treated trees are virtually defenseless against winter winds and freezing temperatures. They definitely require some special attention and extra effort to prevent them from becoming damaged throughout the season. Fortunately, there are easy and effective ways to protect our young or vulnerable trees from harsh winter weather conditions. We can keep our trees healthy and make them viable long after the winter season is through. Here are a few simple and common tips and tricks to protect such trees in the winter months:
• Mulch
• Plastic Tree Guards
• Trunk Wrapping
• Branch Wrapping
• Staking
• Soil Insulation
• Avoid Exposure to Driveway or Road Salt
• Animal Control
• Professional Tree Service
• And More
Mulch can provide a barrier against harsh winds and freezing temperatures by trapping heat within the base of a tree and within the soil. It is an easy an inexpensive way to provide protection against frost or other freezing outdoor elements. It acts as an insulator, allowing the tree to retain heat and keep the roots healthy until spring. Applying plastic tree guards or plastic trunk wraps in the early to mid-fall season can protect tree bark from a long list of elements and conditions, come winter time. Sun scalding, bark peeling, trunk cracks, fissures, and more can arise from moderate to severe winter weather. Using a plastic wrap or tarp to cover the exposed tree bark can reduce the chances of these damages from occurring.
Many landscaping and tree care companies recommend using Burlap to wrap tree branches before winter begins. This helps a young or vulnerable tree to sustain the extra weight of snow or ice, without the branches breaking. Proper animal control can prevent tree damage in the winter as well. Once the temperatures begin to drop, wild animals rely on trees for shelter. This can cause extensive damages to landscaping and trees. It is always recommended to call a professional tree care company for advice or winter tree services. They retain the proper equipment, tools, and training to safely and effectively treat or protect trees during the winter.
Noblesville Indiana Tree Care
Call Noblesville Indiana Tree Care at 317-590-1842 today for free advice and information about tree service and winter tree protection. We offer a wide range of commercial or residential tree care; such as tree removal, tree transplanting, tree disease treatment, lot clearing, stump removal, stump grinding, and much more. Visit our website at https://www.treeservicenoblesville.com for details about our services and company background. Our highly trained and qualified tree care technicians have more than 30 years of experience. Trust them for reliable and professional advice about how to care for young or newly planted trees in the winter. Call Noblesville Tree Care at 317-590-1842 for free estimates and information about winter tree care and more.