Continue reading to learn some helpful tips for getting rid of moss on trees, and a few effective ways you can prevent moss growth in the future.
Moss Growth
In order to defeat your enemy, you must first learn what makes them powerful. In the case of tree moss, it is helpful to understand what makes moss grow. With this knowledge, you can then figure out how to eliminate everything moss needs to thrive, thus controlling its spread. Moss grows in shady, cold, and wet conditions. It usually grows on lawns that have trouble maintaining grass. By reducing these three conditions, you can control moss growth. Simply make changes to your outdoor environments in a way that makes it difficult for moss to survive.
Here are some tips on how to do just that:
❦ It is important to treat moss on both lawns and trees in order to control the entire occurrence.
❦ Start watering your lawn less often, but when you do, water it longer.
❦ If your property is usually pretty shady, trim trees around your yard to let in more sunlight.
❦ Test the pH levels in your soil. Moss grows in infertile soil conditions. Acidic soils should be treated with lime.
❦ Aerate your lawn and underlying soil to improve drainage and ventilation.
❦ Use your fingers to remove moss from trees. In the winter when trees are dormant, follow up with a power washer to rinse the hard-to-reach areas and finish the job. Be sure to let your tree trunks dry completely.
❦ Outsource professional tree service to take the best care of your landscaping trees!