Useful FAQS About Tree Removal

The task of removing a tree requires a lot more consideration, preparation, and labor than you might imagine. Of course, a small, newly-planted tree might be easy to yank out, but trees of age will pose a greater challenge. Furthermore, there are many aspects of tree removal that can be dangerous, or even illegal, making the duty quite risky.

Before you make any decisions to remove a tree, be sure to review these important and useful frequently asked questions for the right knowledge.

Noblesville Tree Service
Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Do I Need to Remove My Tree?

Tree’s that need to be removed are those that are safety hazards, obstructive to important entrances or areas, damaged, dead, or diseased. If you have a tree on your property that has begun to show some strange signs or has experienced some irregular changes, you may need professional tree removal service. Your tree might need to be removed if it shows signs like heavy soil beneath the tree’s canopy, excessive fungal growth or mushrooms, damaged bark (i.e. peeling, missing, warped, moist, broken, etc.), sunken cavities or large holes in tree trunk, several dead branches at the crown of the tree, or groups of leafless twigs and branches.

Is My Tree Dead?

A dead tree will look barren, dull in color, and have gray or beige-colored tissue under their bark. A tree that does not look as vigorous and vibrant as it used to appear may be in an early state of decline, or already dying. This could be brought on by a number factors, such as pest infestation, wildlife tampering, disease, poor soil conditions, construction damage, and more.

Can I Remove a Tree Myself?

If you have a tree that needs to be removed, and you are considering undertaking the project on your own, it may be wise to think again. Tree removal is a dangerous job, even for professionals. There are various risks and hazards associated with tree felling, and many unexpected obstacles can pop up out of nowhere. Do-it-yourself tree removal work is never recommended; in fact, it is strongly advised against. Always make the right decision and hire a professional tree care company to provide safe and controlled tree removal service that is covered by insurance.

What is the Difference Between Stump Removal and Stump Grinding?

Stump grinding is the process of softening the tree stump, and then using a series of tools and equipment to gradually chip away at it until it is level with the ground again. This is a good option for those who are simply removing a tree and do not care about a leftover, flat-faced tree stump. Stump removal refers to removing the entire tree stump and root ball from the ground. The most common reasons to completely remove tree stumps are for new construction and when tree roots are invasive or damaging to underground utilities. Both practices are highly complex, requiring a lot of labor and specialized equipment.

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

There are so many variables that influence the price of tree removal, even for just one tree. You can expect an average tree removal job to cost anywhere from $150 to $2,500. A tree up to 25 feet tall can cost between $150 and $800. A tree 25 to 75 feet tall might cost between $400 and $2,000. A tree any taller can cost $2,500 or more. In addition to tree removal, a company might charge for additional tree services upon the property owner’s request. These include stump grinding, stump removal, wood chipping, and log splitting. These services are not usually included in a standard tree removal estimate, but may be suggested by the tree care technician if they believe you need it.

Who Should I Hire for Professional Tree Removal?

Call 317-537-9770 for tree removal in Noblesville, Indiana. We offer a wide range of professional tree care services for residential and commercial properties, including tree removal, stump grinding, stump removal, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and more. Ask us about our competitive pricing and our tree service coupons! And please feel free to contact us anytime for free estimates, advice, general tree removal information, and more. Call 317-537-9770 to request a free estimate, today.

How to Care for a Mature Tree

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

As a property owner, it is important to learn the process of mature tree care. Older trees begin to weaken, making them more vulnerable to weather damage, limb loss, and disease. They require a certain degree of year-round maintenance in order to eliminate safety hazards and prevent losing a tree to death or decay. Mature trees are generally larger, heavier, and taller, so if they are under distress, they can pose serious dangers if they were to fall down.

Not only are vehicles and structures at risk of being squashed by a large tree, so are people. Routine tree care can reduce the chances of your mature trees from falling ill or imposing harm in any way. Continue reading to learn what it takes to properly care for older, mature trees on your property.

Tree Maintenance

Maintenance for mature trees primarily includes routine inspections, pruning, mulching, soil management, fertilizing, and tree removal. But depending on the individual circumstance and condition of a tree, the extent of maintenance will vary. Safety and security are the major reasons why mature tree care is important and quite necessary. However, another impactful factor involves investment. Tree are valuable investments because they increase property value with age. They provide shade, privacy, and beauty to a property, making it more valuable in terms of re-sell. For all these reasons, it is critical to care for mature trees the right way.

Inspections – Inspections on mature trees should be carried out on a routine basis. This is a critical part to the tree care process because it is how small problems are caught early on, and treated more successfully. If a pest infestation or tree disease goes unnoticed, it can quickly damage a tree beyond repair. Inspections catch problems early on so larger problems, hazards, and consequences can be avoided.

Mulching and Fertilizing – Soil management and routine seasonal mulching are critical components to a tree care program for old trees. Mulching protects tree roots with moderating temperatures and moisture in the soil beneath. It also reduces other environmental stressors, like weeds, pests, and wildlife. Fertilizing is equally important to mulching in that it also protects the tree by providing the proper amount of nutrients it needs to thrive. Fertilizers make up for any deficiencies the tree may have as a result of the surrounding soil. Be sure to water your mature tree every other day during periods of no precipitation in spring and summer.

Pruning – Sometimes, as trees age, their limbs and foliage become overgrown. Pruning is the perfect solution to manage tree overgrowth. Trimming back branches and limbs can better protect your home’s exterior from structural damages, and also eliminate obstructed landscaping views. Also, overgrown limbs and branches attract more nuisance wildlife, which can cause several problems for homes and properties.

Tree Removal – In the case that a tree is too old and has become too risky to keep around, you will need to have it removed. Safety comes first, so if a tree is no longer viable, it is vital to have it promptly removed by a professional service. Dead or dying trees should be removed immediately, and in some cases, diseased trees need to be removed as well.

Noblesville Tree Service

Tree Service Noblesville 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

If you have mature trees on your property that need professional service, call Tree Service Noblesville at 317-537-9770 today. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree care industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties, including tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, lot clearing, stump grinding, and more. Call 317-537-9770 for affordable tree removal services in Noblesville, IN today.

Do I Need to Water My Trees?

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Newly planted or growing trees, usually in the first two or three years, do require consistent irrigating. There are a few things to know about watering trees in order to achieve the highest level of care. Trees can be over-watered, under-watered, and watered improperly. If you love your landscaping trees, take a moment to review a few facts and tips about watering trees and be better informed about proper tree care methods. Learn how to protect your trees from seasonal drought, root rot, weeds, and more.

Too Much Water

If trees are watered too much, its soil becomes over-saturated and the roots suffocate and die. And stagnant wet soil attracts unwanted root rot organisms that can also kill trees. Certain tree species can handle wet soil conditions (River Birch, Cypress, Sycamore, Etc.), but most cannot. You want to water enough to moisten the soil, but not overly-saturate it. Signs that your tree is being over-watered include yellow leaves, brittle leaves, visible fungus or algae growth on the soil beneath the tree, black tree roots (root rot), and more.

Not Enough Water

Trees need water for sustenance and growth, and even more-so during drought seasons or periods with extended lack of precipitation. Without water, trees cannot survive. It is that simple. It is important to find a happy-medium between too much and not enough water when it comes to your trees. During growing season, trees should be watered once a week, more or less depending on the amount of rain at the time. You want to water them, allow the water to soak in, and wait a few days before re-watering. If the soil around the tree is still moist one inch in, it does not need to be watered just yet. If it is dry 1 inch into the soil, it is ready for more water.

The Right Amount of Water

The trick to knowing how much water to give your tree starts with the tree trunk’s diameter. Measure this in inches, and then multiply that times five. Trees should get five gallons of water per inch of their trunk’s diameter, over an extended period of time. This is why line drips, bubbler heads, and irrigation systems come so highly recommended. You don’t want to dump 20 gallons of water at the base of a tree. That can over-saturate and harm the tree. If you only have a garden hose, simply turn the water on slow and low and then place it at the base of the tree for a few hours.

Additional Tree Watering Tips:

• Water At Night When Evaporation Levels are Lower

• Do Not Use Spray-Head Sprinklers – They are Less Efficient

• Lay Mulch at the Base of Trees to Conserve Moisture

• Combat Weeds and Other Nuisances that Compete with a Tree’s Water Source

• Control Water Run-Off by Edging the Mulch or Soil Around the Base of the Tree

Noblesville Tree Service

Tree Service Coupon Noblesville Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Noblesville Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional Noblesville tree service and advice you can trust. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. Our services range from tree removal and lot clearing, to transplanting, trimming, pruning, disease treatment, and more. We offer both residential and commercial tree services at the most competitive prices in town. Call 317-537-9770 for more information about tree removal services in Noblesville, IN and its surrounding locations.

Tree Removal Tips for Small Trees

If you have a small tree in your yard that you wish to remove, you can accomplish this task all on your own if you are well-prepared and properly equipped. It’s not a complex or complicated project, but it is generally very time-consuming and requires some good old-fashioned manual labor. Continue reading to learn the easiest and most reliable way to remove a small tree, as well as, who to call for professional tree removal services in your neighborhood.

Removing Small Trees

Again, removing small trees is not a difficult or challenging job, but it is a demanding one. You can certainly expect to spend most of your time and effort digging up all the tree roots. Choose a day when the temperature is not too high and drink plenty of water, so to prevent heat-related illnesses like dehydration. You might have an easier time choosing a day that follows a few rainy days. This way, the ground is softer and easier to penetrate. Your back will be thanking you for this later! Also, be sure to gather all the necessary tools and equipment needed to make the job possible, as well as, a bit easier. This includes a sharp spade, large metal shovel, gloves, plastic tarp (or burlap), protective eye goggles, tree twine, hose and water hookup (in case the ground is too dry and solid), and a hand saw. Not all of these item are mandatory, but they do make the digging and handling process easier.

Here’s How to Remove a Small Tree:

1. If there have been no rainy days, wet the ground using a hose to soften the soil. Do this one day in advance, as well as, the same day of the project.

2. Assess the diameter of the tree’s root ball in order to dig a wide enough circumference around the tree for easier removal. Do this by measuring the diameter of the tree trunk, and then multiplying that number by a number between 9 and 12, depending on the age of the tree. Use a higher number for older trees. So if the trunk was 3 inches in diameter, dig a circumference that is at least 27 to 36 inches wide. For an idea of proper depth, multiply the tree trunk diameter by 6. In this case, you would need to dig 18 inches into the ground to be able to pull out the tree and root ball.

3. Use tree twine to tie up and hold back the lower sections of branches so they are not in your way when you are digging up tree.

4. Use the spade to cut into the ground along the circumference you measured earlier. Simply place the sharp thin side of the blade directly on top of the soil, then use your foot and body weight to press it into the ground. You don’t have to remove any soil yet, you just need to create the divisions in the soil.

5. Use either the spade or shovel and dig out the excess soil to expose the root ball. And then remove all the excess soil surrounding the root ball to expose the tree roots.

6. Using the spade again, push the blade securely into the ground beneath the root ball, push in with your foot, tilt the shovel, and lift the root ball from the soil. This will almost look like a teeter-totter motion.

7. Now use the spade to cut through small tree roots, and a handsaw for larger roots.

8. Remove the tree from the hole and place onto the tarp or burlap, and drag it to an appropriate disposal site!

Tree Service Noblesville Indiana

Noblesville Tree Service

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Noblesville, Indiana you can trust. We are highly trained and qualified tree service contractors with decades of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of tree services for both residential and commercial properties. If you need tree removal, whether for a small tree, large tree, or plot of trees, we are the professionals that can get the job done at a price that pleases! Call 317-537-9770 for expert tree removal services in Noblesville, IN and its surrounding areas.

Preparing Our Trees for Spring

With the increasing temperatures and daylight, we all know springtime is coming. This means we are thinking about our outdoor needs and how we plan to accomplish those before the season sets in entirely. Winter weather can damage trees and the surrounding environment. And it’s the time of year when all of these signs are apparent, so pre-spring overhaul is necessary to get your property back to normal. Trees are important assets to any property, and must be properly cared for to ensure longevity and safety. Now that spring is near, it’s time to take action and get your trees in good shape for the upcoming warm seasons. Continue reading for tips on spring tree care.

Post-Winter Cleanup

Once the snow is gone, the weather is warmer, and the sun is consistently out, you can better see the damages and downfalls winter causes the landscape. Trees are often effected by this, which can be hazardous to people and property. Now is the time to inspect your trees and the surrounding landscape to start turning your property around, and getting your landscaping back to a healthy state. Here’s what to do:

1. First look around for damage to any power lines. If you spot a fallen, leaning, or exposed power line, call the local power company immediately. Trees and properties can catch fire from exposed or defective power lines.

2. Next look at your trees. Inspect the tree’s trunk, bark, limbs, and any exposed root system. Look for peeling bark, fallen bark, rotten or spongy bark, tree wounds, odors, or any insect infestations. These are all signs of a dead or dying tree.

3. If you find a tree in any of the above conditions, check to see if it is dead or alive by snapping off a twig and cutting into the bark. If the meat inside the twig is bright or dull green, the tree is alive, if it’s brown or dark, the tree is dead. If it’s a dull green, there might be something wrong with your tree and it will require some treatment and care.

Here’s an important tip: Do Not Attempt to Use a Chainsaw to Cut Down Tree Branches or Trees. If you are not properly trained, or if you do not have any experience, this is an extremely dangerous activity. If you must use a saw, use a handsaw.

4. A dead tree must be removed because it can pose a threat to humans and properties. If it is a small tree, simply use a handsaw to cut it down. Use the V-technique for safe tree falls. Look around for obstructions before cutting down a small tree to ensure nothing will be harmed when it falls.

5. For larger trees, it is strongly encouraged to contact a licensed tree removal company for safe and efficient tree services.

Tree Removal Noblesville Indiana

Tree Service Noblesville 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for safe and affordable tree removal in Noblesville, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree contractors with decades of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of tree services on top of tree removal, for both residential and commercial properties. Call 317-537-9770 today for a free estimate or information about tree removal service in Noblesville, IN and its surrounding counties.

Popular Species of Evergreen Trees Found in Indiana

There are several species of evergreen trees found in our wonderful state of Indiana. Three of the most popular and well-known species include the White Pine, the Hemlock, and the Eastern Red Cedar. Evergreen trees are also referred to as conifer trees, never lose their leaves. They remain full of foliage that doesn’t fade or change in color. They are “always green” as their binomial name, sempervirens, suggests. Although most conifer trees are evergreens, there are a few exceptions. For example, the Larch tree is a conifer, but not an evergreen. It is deciduous and loses its leaves in the fall. Evergreens are not always trees; they can be plants and shrubs too, like Holly and Juniper bushes.

As for Indiana, we can expect to see a broad selection of evergreens this winter, trees and shrubs alike! Continue reading to learn about a few interesting species of evergreen found across the state, and who to call for professional tree advice and information in your neighborhood.

Eastern Red Cedar

This tree is scientifically known as Juniperus Virginiana, and is found all across eastern North America, the borders of Southeastern Canada, and even down through the Gulf of Mexico and eastern Great Plains. Red Cedars are true Junipers. They are beautiful conifers that grow at a very slow rate, but into very dense, solid trees. In poor soil that lacks proper nutrients, Eastern Red Cedars will not usually grow into nothing more than a shrub; but in nutrient-rich soils, they can achieve great heights as trees with full foliage.

White Pine

Eastern White Pines, or Pinus strobus, are canopy trees that can grow as tall as one hundred feet or more. They have tiered, horizontal branches that makes them more distinctive among other evergreen species. Each year, a new row of branches grows. Its needles are have a blue-green hue to them, and grow in feathery tufts. They are found in most Indiana towns, but throughout the Northeaster parts of the United States as well.


Hemlocks, scientifically named Tsuga Canadensis, are perfectly pyramidal conifers. Their limbs grow long, sprouting branches covered in short, feathery, dark-green pine needles with silver-ish undersides. They can reach heights of 40 feet or more. They are often trimmed into hedges in residential and commercial areas.

Noblesville Tree Service

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional Noblesville tree service you can trust. We are highly trained and qualified tree service contractors with several years of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties in Indiana. Our knowledgeable arborists are happy to answer your questions about tree removal or tree service, any time. Just call 317-537-9770 and speak to a company owner directly regarding tree removal services in Noblesville, IN.

Why Are Trees So Important to Us?

Trees are everywhere and seem to be plentiful. So why are they so important to us? Trees are a vital part of our ecosystem and environment. They provide us with countless amenities and privileges that we need for survival. Trees clean the water, air, and soil surrounding us everywhere. They have significant impacts on our health, well-being, quality of life, and our wallets. Healthy ecosystems and healthy trees provide the foundation we need as humans for sustainable and operative living. Humans and animals alike could not thrive on this planet without the benefits we get from our bountiful trees and flora.

Trees Clean the Air

By taking in and storing the high carbon levels contributing to the Earth’s global warming problem, trees clean our air and provide relief from dangerous carbon dioxide emissions. They also sequester various other dangerous and harmful airborne emissions; such as ozone pollution, sulfuric oxides, and nitrogen gases. The only problem with this is that trees release all of the stored carbon when they die and decompose.

Trees Can Save Money

By deliberately planting deciduous trees in certain areas of a property, home and building owners can save on energy bills. Planting shade and for trees on the east, west, and south sides of a property can provide strategic shading; providing potential savings up to 30% on energy costs. Simply planting a tree to shade our air-conditioning units can save property owners up to 10% on our monthly utility bills. In the wintertime, trees tactically planted on the north side of the building or home can reduce harsh winter winds, thus saving even more on energy.

Better Water

Trees and plants neutralize and eliminate pollutants, contaminants, and impurities in our water supplies. They accomplish this through the process of bioremediation or phytoremediation. The accumulation of twigs, branches, leaves, and limbs naturally aroused biological activity and promotes new plant and tree growth. It fertilizes the ground and soil allowing for new trees to grow.

Tree Service in Noblesville, Indiana

Noblesville Tree Pruning 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Pruning 317-537-9770

Get professional tree service in Noblesville Indiana when you call 317-537-9770 today. If you need some grinding, tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, shaping, or have problem to treat diseases, we can help! Our highly trained and experienced tree care technicians provide a wide range of tree services; including free estimates, consultations, coupons, discounts, and more. Contact us today at 317-537-9770 and learn more about tree removal services in Noblesville, IN today.