What are Leaf Galls?

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Noblesville Tree Service 317-537-9770

Oak and Maple trees are beautiful, magnificent parts of nature. Unfortunately, they are also common targets for an unappealing, abnormal cell growths called galls. Leaf galls come in a wide range of colors and sizes, and appear in the form of blotches, balls, or bumps on leaves or branches. They can be perfectly harmless, some occurring as a result of an infection or wound, while other galls can be caused by insects and tree mites. Continue reading to learn more about leaf galls and what to do about them.

Tree Galls

As mentioned, leaf galls are abnormal cell growths on branches or leaves. They can appear as single bumps or a collection of complicated structures, and come in a wide array of colors, from plain brown to bright reds and oranges. They can form where insects eat or lay their eggs, because the interaction between the chemical stimuli and the plants hormones. They can also form at sites of infection caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Most of the time, leaf galls are not a serious problem and will not kill a tree. Infested leaves can still carry out photosynthesis at the normal rate of production. However, some cases can be serious enough to require professional intervention, such as Gouty Oak and Horned Oak gall. Also, if plants are smaller, leaf galls may stunt their growth because the plant’s water and nutrient distribution system is affected.

Tips for Managing Leaf Galls:

Do not do anything and just live with the condition. Because the presence of leaf galls is not always detrimental to a tree, it is best to just ignore them and go on with your life. Although unappealing, they will not kill your tree.

Try chemical sprays. Using chemical sprays is best suited for small trees that has poor health or has been free of foliage for several years. You must be careful using chemical sprays since they can actually kill helpful insects that keep galls away.

Tree care is always effective. Raking fallen leaves in a timely manner and pruning infested twigs and branches can be an effective method for controlling leaf galls. Talk to your local tree care contractor about the necessary tree services for your landscape.

Noblesville Tree Service

Tree Service Noblesville 317-537-9770

Tree Service Noblesville 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree service in Noblesville, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree care contractors with decades of experience in the tree service industry. And we provide residential and commercial tree care at the most competitive prices in town!

Fast and Effective Leaf Removal for Homeowners

Now that fall is certainly upon us, and winter is fast-approaching, our yards are covered with layers of crispy leaves in hues of red, burnt orange, kind yellow, and green, that continue to remind us of the work that inevitably lies ahead. While most of us admire this time of year, the work that is involved with leaf removal can be off-putting. Fortunately, dedicated homeowners and professional lawn care specialists have discovered and developed ideas for effective methods that can ultimately eliminate the intimidation and stress surrounding leaf removal. Continue reading to learn about some ideas for fast and effective leaf removal and lawn care.

Residential Leaf Removal Tips

Raking and leaf blowing can be an easy job for people who own smaller properties; but for those of us with large front and backyards, the amount of fallen leaves can be quite overwhelming. By hand, raking a large yard of leaves can cause back and neck strain, and take up to eight hours or more. While leaf blowing may seem easier for a job such as this, it can still be time-consuming and strenuous on the body. So how can you alleviate some of the stress involved with leaf removal and seasonal lawn care? The answer is simple; just check out the list below for common tips and advice for fast leaf removal and lawn care:

1. Continue mowing until it begins snowing regularly. The more you mow, the more the leaves are shredded and mulched with your grass clippings. Once the grass seizes to grow, then you can focus more on the fallen leaves and branches.

2. Do not wait too long to begin removing leaves. It is much easier to rake-as-you-go to remove leaves little by little, rather than waiting to do the job all at once. You will end up with an overwhelming amount of leaves and a much heavier work load. It makes the job much lighter, shorter, and easier to manage leaves little by little.

3. Use a leaf blower for dry leaves; then use a rake for wet leaves. This makes the job much easier to handle. Electric blowers are recommended over gas-powered ones.

4. Take advantage of neighborhood leaf pick-up services; or choose to shred your leaves in an electric leaf shredder. These are available at most home improvement, appliance and hardware stores.

5. Outsource help. Hire neighborhood gets or ask your children to give you a hand with all the raking and blowing. Kids love playing in leaves and the exercise is good for them.

6. Hire a local landscaping or lawn care company to do the work for you. Many companies offer seasonal coupons and specials, or discounts and flat-rate prices. They retain all the equipment and man-power necessary to remove all the leaves in your yard in as little as a few hours. This saves you time and effort. It can also save you money from having to purchase a leaf blower and shredder.

Leaf Removal in Noblesville, Indiana

For superior leaf removal services in Noblesville, Indiana and its surrounding counties, call 317-590-1842 today. We are a licensed tree care company that offers landscaping and leaf removal services as well! Our staffs are highly trained and experienced in the lawn care industry and love their jobs! We offer surprisingly affordable deals for leaf removal services and more. Visit our webpage at https://www.treeservicenoblesville.com for details about our services and company credentials. Call 317-590-1842 for a free estimate on leaf removal services in Noblesville, IN and all its surrounding cities and counties.